Saturday, 7 February 2015

Virtualbox Sharing folder between two operating systems.

Environment ubuntu as guest os on Windows host.

Step 1: Open the virtual box --> settings --> Shared folders

Step 2: Windows host  create a folder name share and  Add the path in the virtual box as 'below Screenshot

Added path as above

Step 3: On the the guset OS make a directory to use for your mount preferably in your home directory.

            mkdir share

Step 4:  sudo mount -t vboxsf share ~/share/


Hive and Hbase Integration

create the file with following data


create logical table in hive and load data into that tabel

create table logical_table(id int,name string,sal bigint,sub array<string>,dud map<string,int>,addr struct<city:string,state:string,pin:bigint>) row format delimited fields terminated by ',' collection items terminated by '$' map keys terminated by '#';

load data local inpath '/home/hadoop/work/hive_input' overwrite into table logical_table;

create hbase table in hive
[during hbase and hive integration we have to set auxilary path to hive in this path five main jar should be added]
1.hive-hbase-handler-[hive version].jar
2.hbase-[hbase version].jar
3.zookeper-[running version].jar
5.protobuf-java-[version comes with hbase/lib].jar

$HIVE_HOME/bin/hive --auxpath /home/hadoop/work/hive-0.10.0/lib/hive-hbase-handler-0.10.0.jar,/home/hadoop/work/hive-0.10.0/lib/guava-r09.jar,/home/hadoop/work/hive-0.10.0/lib/zookeeper-3.4.5.jar,/home/hadoop/work/hive-0.10.0/lib/hbase-0.94.8.jar,/home/hadoop/work/hive-0.10.0/lib/protobuf-java-2.4.0a.jar; --hiveconf hbase.zookeeper.quorum=localhost

create table hive_hbase_table(key int,name string,sal bigint,sub array<string>,dud map<string,int>,addr struct<city:string,state:string,pin:bigint>) stored by 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.hbase.HBaseStorageHandler' WITH SERDEPROPERTIES("hbase.columns.mapping" = ":key,cf1:name,cf1:sal,cf1:sub,cf1:dud,cf1:addr") TBLPROPERTIES ("" = "hibehbasetable");

insert overwrite table hive_hbase_table select * from logical_table;